Georgie Lamboley Memorial Run/Party

Event Summary:
Parade of vehicles stopping at bars finishing in Seneca. Proceeds benefit “Shop with a Cop” for Christmas gifts.
What is the cost to the public?
$10 donation per person
When is the next event?
June 22, 2019
What time? Where? What do I need to bring?
June 22nd, Saturday. Run Begins and Ends at Fat Daddyz bar Jackson st. Seneca, Illinois Registration at Noon. Seneca Police Chief George Lamboley tragicly lost his son from a drowning in the Illinois River. We will have a multiple stop parade of vehicles from Seneca to the surrounding communities stopping at bars along the way. Finally finishing with a party In Seneca . Proceeds to benefit “Shop with a Cop” to purchase Christmas gifts for underprivileged children.
What kind of event is this?
ACTION (Parade, clean-up, activism, memorial, etc.)
What is the cost to the lodge?
What is the profit? Does it produce a loss that needs to be made up?
No proceeds go to the lodge , the lodge will be reimbursed for the shirts.
What is the attendance like?
Example: Public is invited. Attendance was over 100 last year. We are expecting 150 this year.
How often is this event held?
Who is the contact for this event?
Ray Jackson PG
How should people contact you?
What lodge sponsors this event??
Ottawa 41, Ottawa, Illinois
How many co-sponsors do you have for the event?
1st or Only Co-Sponsor
Fat Daddyz bar
2nd Co-Sponsor
Fergies Bar


3rd Co-Sponsor
Fitness Factory Seneca