Annual Pork Chop Dinner to Benefit Camp Kno-Koma, Diabetes Camp of West Virginia

Event Summary:
Annual fundraiser dinner sponsored by Wheeling Lodge #9, IOOF and Wheeling Encampment #1, IOOF
What is the cost to the public?
$10.00 per person
When is the next event?
November 3, 2019
What time? Where? What do I need to bring?
Doors open at 3:00 pm, Dinner served promptly at 4:00 pm. Bake Sale, Raffles. 100% of all proceeds go to Camp Kno-Koma, Diabetes Camp of West Virginia
What kind of event is this?
FOOD (Spaghetti Dinner, BBQ, Fish Fry, etc.)
What is the cost to the lodge?
Lodge and Encampment split the cost of all of the food
What is the profit? Does it produce a loss that needs to be made up?
100% of ticket sales, bake sale and raffles go to Camp Kno-Koma
What is the attendance like?
Open to the public, only 100 ticket sold
How often is this event held?
Who is the contact for this event?
Jeremiah Beaver
How should people contact you?
What lodge sponsors this event??
Wheeling Lodge #9, Wheeling, WV, USA
How many co-sponsors do you have for the event?
1st or Only Co-Sponsor
Wheeling Lodge #9, IOOF
2nd Co-Sponsor
Wheeling Encampment #1, IOOF