Policies, TOS, etc.
Public Relations Training for Odd Fellows
Odd Fellows Social Network
Event Registration
Name of Event
What is the official name of your event?
Event Cost to Public
What does it cost for the public to attend this event?
Short Description of Event (Use This Example)
What happens at your event?
Event Details
Please provide all other information for attendees beyond the cost and the event description. Think about the logistics. Parking? Dress code? Directions? 2-hour event?
When Is It Next?
When is your event? If it just happened, please put your best guess as to when it will be.
Event Attendance
Public or Private? What are the numbers like? Increasing each time? (at least 10 words)
Event Frequency
Same Night as Lodge Session
Just Once
How often is your event held?
Event Type
ODD FESTIVAL (Multiple categories featuring entertainment)
ODD MARKET (Multiple categories featuring vendors)
FOOD (Spaghetti Dinner, BBQ, Fish Fry, etc.)
GAMES (Poker night, poker run, bingo, etc.)
SPORTS (Golf, fishing, camping, race day, etc.)
ENTERTAINMENT (Movie night, comedy, music, etc.)
ART (Themed event featuring art, crafts, vendors, etc.)
GIVING (Gifting, fundraising, awards, scholarships, etc.)
ACTION (Parade, clean-up, activism, memorial, etc.)
What type of event is this?
Other Event
What event do you have that does not fit into the usual categories?
Event Cost to Lodge
What is the approved cost to your lodge for this event?
Event Profit or Loss
Say a few words about whether or not your event is profitable, expected to be profitable or if it's always an expense rather than a revenue generator...
Event Co-Sponsor(s)
Co-Sponsor (or 1st)
2nd Co-Sponsor
3rd Co-Sponsor
Event URL (Facebook or Web Page)
What is the URL for your event?
Event Flyer
Drop a file here or click to upload
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Please upload a .JPG flyer of your event. If this is an actual flyer approved for promotion of the event, it should not require approval to publish or be in violation of copyright to publish it here, but if it's not then you certify that it does not contain images that may be unauthorized or in violation of copyright law to publish.
Do you want to upload a PDF and can't easily produce a JPG image? No worries. Click the button and you can upload a PDF for conversion later.
Please convert this PDF to JPG for me.
Upload PDF
Drop a file here or click to upload
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Please upload your flyer in PDF form and it will be converted for you.
Event Picture
Drop a file here or click to upload
Choose File
Maximum file size: 67.11MB
Please upload a .JPG flyer of your event. You must have permission to use the image you are uploading or an OK from the person who created it.
Your Name
Your Lodge, Number, City, State/Country
Example: Lompoc Odd Fellows Lodge #248, Lompoc, CA
Permission is granted to publish this information and these images on this website only.
Permission is granted to publish this information and these images anywhere for Odd Fellows everywhere.
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One word. Lower-case.
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